django-transplant’s API

Django-transplant attempts to split logic that performs User account merges into atomic chunks that can be easily and separately maintained. Surgery and Surgeon classes perform these tasks.

Surgery class

Surgery class’ constructor accepts two string arguments:

def __init__(self, model, surgeon):

It tries to instantiate instances of provided classes dynamically and it will raise appropriate errors if this is impossible. Django-transplant’s bundled Surgery class accepts positional argumetn manager which is a string representing manager that will be provided to Surgeon. Example use case is:

my_surgery = Surgery(

This will create a surgery that will grab Message class, get its sent manager and provide it to DefaultSurgeon instance.

Surgeon also provides a merge(receiver, donor) method that just calls Surgeon instance’s merge. The receiver should be the instance of User that requests the merge, donor is the User that should be ‘merged into’ receiver.

In your views you will probably want to use Surgery classes like this:

# build a list of surgeries
surgeries = []
# perform merge using each surgery object
for surgery in surgeries:
    surgery.merge(self.request.user, some_other_user)

Surgeon class

Django-transplant provides three generic Surgeon classes. They reside in transplant.surgeons module. Each of them implements a single merge method which takes two arguments - receiver and donor User instances. This method accepts a keyword argument user_field which should be used on provided model to change the field that will be updated during the merge.

This Surgeon just sets up self.manager and self.user_field with an instance of Manager and a string respectively. It’s merge method does nothing, but you are encouraged to subclass NopSurgeon if writing new Surgeon classes.
Subclass of NopSurgeon. Its merge method will:
  • set donor.is_active to false and donor will be saved.
  • get all objects from provided Manager and set their field provided by ‘user_field’ to receiver.
  • will call save on all objects from manager, so that all signals are triggered.
Works exactly like DefaultSurgeon but won’t call save methods. No signals will be triggered.

Extending django-template

Writing new subclasses of Surgeon and Surgery is easy.

While subclassing or writing new Surgery classes pleas follow the convention that __init__ takes positional argument manager that is provided later on to Surgeon to keep consistennt with django-transplant’s core.

While subclassing Surgeon classes override merge following the convention to accept user_field.